Formula STEM is an all-expenses paid trip to the race track for a high school classroom of young adults, including classroom time and a 1:1 “hot lap” with an experienced driver.

Formula STEM partners with a highly experienced local racing organization which provides the majority of the logistics for the day of, including track rental, insurance and necessary safety personnel.

Sample Schedule

  • 7:00AM School bus pickup

  • 9:00AM Arrive at the race track, meet and greet, small snacks provided.

  • 9:30AM Introduction & Classroom part 1

  • 10:30AM 15-minute break

  • 10:45AM Classroom part 2

  • 11:45AM Break before hot laps!

  • 12:00PM Hot laps!

  • 1:00PM Hot laps complete, debrief with instructors / drivers, catered lunch provided

  • 2:00PM Back on the bus!

  • 4:00PM Dropoff back at school.


  • Classroom part 1 — Automotive Background & Energy

    • Law of Conservation of Energy

    • Automotive Fundamentals — Chemical Energy, Kinetic Energy, Thermal Energy

      • Conversion of energy from gasoline to kinetic energy

        • Basics of the four-stroke cycle, how/why cars have intakes and exhausts

        • Explain why “exhaust mods” can be more useful than just for noise

      • Conversion of kinetic energy into thermal energy via brakes

        • Discussion of maximum braking capacity, not just as amount of force that can be applied, but also heat dissipation & aerodynamic cooling

  • Classroom part 2 — Racing Practicals

    1. Fundamentals of the “friction circle”

    2. Fundamentals of the “racing line”

    3. Technology Applied at the Track: GPS, Timers, Sensors, Telemetry

This is a sample syllabus. Contact us if you have a classroom with specific syllabus requirements and we’ll be delighted to cater an event to your needs.


  • Students must be within greater Los Angeles Area

  • Students must be a part of a regular educational program with an adult coordinator such as a high school class or an after-school program (e.g. the Boy/Girl Scouts)

  • Students must be 16 years of age

  • All Students must have a waiver signed by a parent / legal guardian

  • Students must be considered to be in generally good physical health and fit to sit passenger in a race car and experience simulated racing conditions, and must sign and have parents sign paperwork acknowledging as such.

If you’d like to have your class/student group participate please get in touch!