STEM Flys is an all-expenses paid flight in a general aviation aircraft for up to 3 students at a time, including a ground based classroom education session.

STEM Flys partners with experienced pilots to provide as safe an environment as possible. STEM Flys is NOT a flight school, not all participating pilots are certified instructors and is not meant in any way to be a pilot education program. STEM Flys is designed to inspire students to become interested in STEM subjects and general aviation as a whole. We are more than happy to help guide interested students to a proper flight school where they can receive formal pilot instruction.

Sample Schedule

  • 9:00AM Meet at local airport (often students will come to the pilots airport, or the pilot will fly to the closest GA Airport to the students).

  • 9:30AM Introduction & Classroom part 1

  • 11:00AM Break

  • 11:15AM Classroom part 2

  • 12:15AM Sponsored Lunch

  • 1:00PM Out to the plane!

  • 3:00PM Return from the flight, debrief

  • 3:30PM Students / Pilot depart


  • Classroom part 1 — Aeronautical Basics

    • Four Forces of Flight (Lift, Weight, Thrust & Drag)

    • Aerodynamic Basics

      • Newton’s Third law & Bernoulli’s Equation

    • How a plane flies

      • Various control surfaces, airplane configurations

        • Ailerons, Elevators, Rudders, Flaps etc.

  • Classroom part 2 — Flying GA (General Aviation)

    • Navigation in FAA controlled Airspace in a small aircraft

    • Weather Basics, weather theory including air pressure, dew point/humidity and clouds

    • Technology Applied to Flying: GPS, ADS-B

This is a sample syllabus. Contact us if you have a classroom with specific syllabus requirements and we’ll be delighted to cater an event to your needs.


  • Students must be within greater Los Angeles Area

  • Students must be a part of a regular educational program with an adult coordinator such as a high school class or an after-school program (e.g. the Boy/Girl Scouts)

  • Students must be 14 years of age

  • All Students must have a waiver signed by a parent / legal guardian

  • Students must be considered to be in generally good physical health and fit to sit passenger in a small airplane, and must sign and have parents sign paperwork acknowledging as such.

If you’d like to have your class/student group participate please get in touch!